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Fundación Llar de Mariola - Albergue Ull de Canals

Temporary Exhibitions

In the second room of the Center of Interpretation it is where temporary exhibitions are relizan on subjects around the Natural Park of the Mountain range of Mariola. Aqui you found util information of like visiting these exhibitions and descagas of pamphlets, case that the exhibition goes accompanied of algun type of publication.
At the moment in this room is the office of Infomación of the Natural Park of the Mountain range of Mariola.

Scale model of the Natural Park of the Mariola
Mountain range.ESC.1:10.000


In the main room of the Center of interpretation of the Mountain range of Mariola, and until date without determining, is a titled temporary exhibition "Fossil of the Mariola Mountain range", with the objective to show the geologic and paleontological patrimony of the Natural Park of the Mariola Mountain range and to diversify the formativa supply within program DIPEA (Spreading, Interpretation of the Patrimony and Environmental Education in the Protected Natural Spaces of the Valencian Community). This exhibition can be visited of Monday through Friday in schedule of 9 14 hours.

The sample of didactic and divulging character is composed by different paleontological materials next to informative panels who gather the different aspects from great interest, as they are the phases of formation and geologic ages of the Mountain range or the important findings but made in the matter. The exhibition serves to include/understand the evolution of the planet Earth being centered in our next surroundings but.

                                             UNLOADING: Poster of the Exposición.pdf

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