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Fundación Llar de Mariola - Albergue Ull de Canals

Sports Venture



Also from Albergue they are possible to be organized all type of leisure activities and free time all these activities are organized by mountain guide with official degree and register properly in the social security.


Image of Content                   Image of Content
                     - Tracks Multiaventuras and Raids
                    - Vias Ferratas
                    - Guided Senderismo
                    - Routes in Mountain Bicycle 
                    - Reduction of Precipices
                    - Espeleología
                    - Scaling
                    - Rapel
                    - Direction
                    - Tirolina

CREDITS | XHTML 1.1 | CSS | W3C WAI-AA | Asociación Española de turismo Rural  Federación Valenciana de Turismo Rural  Asociación Montaña de Alicante