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Fundación Llar de Mariola - Albergue Ull de Canals

Natural Surroundings

Lodge Ull de Canals

The Natural Surroundings that surround the seat by the Foundation Llar de Mariola and Albergue de Ull de Canals could catalogue of privileged person, in the same entrance of the Natural Park of the Mountain range of Mariola in its Southeastern slope, to so single three kilometros of the birth of the little Rio Vinalopó and to fifteen kilometros of the Natural Park of the Font Red, but visited of the Protected Natural Spaces of the Valencian Comuniddad.

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Aside from Park both Natural mentioned, where they are possible to be made infinity of visits and routes, they are worthy to visit, the Mountain range of the Fontanella, the Mountain range of Onil, asi as the neighboring Mountain ranges of the Solana and the Replana these you complete already in the opposed slope of the Valley of Beneixama. The extensive pine groves sprinkled by other species abound as much with solarium as of ombria, asi as so abundant the aromaticas and medicinal plants in our mountains. Mention deserves all the Shore of the Rio Vinalopo with really spectacular corners.

Winter Vista of the Natural Park of the Mariola
Mountain range, the Montcabrer (1389 ms.)to the bottom

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